I dont think its funny


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Testo Della Canzone

I dont think its funny di [[]]


You get your pleasures out of hurting me, honey.
You get your kicks out of watching me cry.
You play around an awful lot to hurt me, honey.
Why do you laugh when there are tears in my eyes?

I don’t think it’s funny, honey.
My days are not so sunny.
Why don’t you make up your mind?
Let me put my arms around you,
make rainbows all around you
but I don’t know if you are mine.

If I was yours and you were mine, my little honey,
we could be happy till the very day I die,
but all you ever want to do is hurt me, honey.
Why do you laugh when there are tears in my eyes?

I don’t think it’s funny, honey.
My days are not so sunny.
Why don’t you make up your mind?
Let me put my arms around you,
make rainbows all around you
but I don’t know if you are mine.

I don’t think it’s funny, honey.
My days are not so sunny.
Why don’t you make up your mind?
Let me put my arms around you,
make rainbows all around you
but I don’t know if you are mine,
but I don’t know if you are mine,
but I don’t know if you are mine.

Il testo contenuto in questa pagina Ú di proprietà dell’autore. WikiTesti Ú un’enciclopedia musicale con lo scopo di far conoscere a quante più persone possibile il panorama musicale.


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