I’ll be over you


È contenuto nei seguenti album:

2007 Win the game

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Testo Della Canzone

I'll be over you di Paola e Chiara

Since the last time
you say goodbye
All my life is stood around
Everyday is upside down

Since the last time
you ride away
Every truth is hard to take
I’ll be over you, so…

Yes, I was proud
and I was wrong
People thought
that I was wrong
Now I know,
it’s an illusion

‘Cause without you
I can’t go on
I cannot face
my life too long
By myself
I wish to turn the page

Since the last time
I hear the voice
All my music is turn around
and I can’t hear the sound

Since the last time
I hear the voice
Everyday is a lonely day
I’ll be over you, so…


I wish to turn the page
I wish to turn the page

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