In visible light


È contenuto nei seguenti album:

Testo Della Canzone

In visible light di Lacuna Coil

How can time still drain every little beat of my heart?
In my time of need I want to destroy anything you are

Grief is the light
I can’t deny I’m afraid of you
Grief is the light
I’m not afraid to deny

What have you ever denied?
Because you’re just the one that had it all
While I’m just the dice in your hands
And no, it’s not easy

Grief is the light
I can’t deny I’m afraid of you
Grief is the light
I’m not afraid to deny

Will I suffer in vain?
You’re feeding all my fears
I cannot escape
You’re here in my head

Grief is the light
I can’t deny I’m afraid of you
Grief is the light
I’m not afraid to deny

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