Infra red


È contenuto nei seguenti album:

Testo Della Canzone

Infra red di Placebo

One last time before I shuffle off the planet,
I will be the one to make you crawl
So I came down to write you an unhappy birthday

Someone call the ambulance
There’s going to be an accident
I’m coming up on infra red
There is no running that can hide you
Cos I can see in the dark
I’m coming up on infra red
Forget your running I will find you

One more thing before we start the final face-off
I will be the one to watch you fall
So I came down to crash and burn
Your beggars banquet

Someone call the ambulance
There’s going to be an accident
I’m coming up on infra red
There is no running that can hide you
Cos I can see in the dark
I’m coming up on infra red
Forget your running I will find you
(Find you)


Someone call the ambulance
There’s going to be an accident
I’m coming up on infra red
There is no running that can hide you
Cos I can see in the dark

I’m coming up on infra red
Forget your running I will find you
Cos I can see in the dark

I’m coming up on infra red
There is no running that can hide you
Cos I can see in the dark
I’m coming up on infra red
Forget your running I will find you
I’ll find you
I’ll find you

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