It comes and it goes


È contenuto nei seguenti album:

Testo Della Canzone

It comes and it goes di Dido

Some days I wanna, and some days I don’t. Sometimes I can feel it and suddenly its gone… Some days I can tell you the truth and some days I just don’t. Only a change of mood sun goes down some one says something to quick or to soon, a touch not made one made to late army’s of words can not hope to contain…

Then it comes and it goes.

And I have no control.

Some days I can think clear and some days I wont. Sometimes I can feel it and suddenly its gone… Some days I am strong and some days my skins broken and thin. That’s when it feels and it takes what it needs and it leaves before I get to know, its only a step away moments that army’s of words can not hope to contain…

Then it comes and it goes.

And I cant make it home.

And theres nothing at home.

And it breaks me when it goes.

Some days I wanna, and some days I don’t. Sometimes I can feel it and suddenly its gone… Some days I can tell you the truth and some days I just don’t. Only a change of mood dream comes out some one tells something to quick or to soon, a move not made one made to late army’s of words can not hope to contain…

Then it comes and it goes.

And I seem to hope

And theres nothing at home.

And it breaks me when it goes.

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