

È contenuto nei seguenti album:

Testo Della Canzone

Journey di Eiffel 65

Into their selves , into their truth oh oh.
The truth is out there waiting inside of you.
The journey, a journey in you
Oh oh, oh..Journey,
into the people,
people that reach out,
reach out for something,
Again and again
The Journey,
Beyond the limit
Limit in your mind
Changing what you see againJourney,
into the people,
people that reach out,
reach out for something,
Again and again
The Journey,
Beyond the limit
Limit in your mind
Changing what you see.
Again and Again.
The Journey,
Beyond the limit
Limit in your mind
Changing what you see again.Into you
Yes into yourself
And into the truth
And again and again.Journey
Into you
Yes into yourself
And into the truth

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