Junkie doll


È contenuto nei seguenti album:

Testo Della Canzone

Junkie doll di Mark Knopfler

Turnpike Lane, Tunrpike Lane
You spiked my arm
But you missed the vain
Now it’s all gone
But the scars remain
Junkie doll, I was stuck on you
My junkie doll

Turnham Green, Turnham Green
You took me high
As I’ve ever been
Now it’s all gone
And now I’m clean
Junkie doll I was stuck on you
My junkie doll

And a little bit of this would get you up
And a little bit of that would get you down
And a little bit of this would get you up
And a little bit of that would get you down
And a little bit of this would get you up
And a little bit of that would get you down
And a little bit of this would get you up
And a little bit of that would get you down

Turnpike Lane, Turnpike Lane
You took my heart,
Pan american
Now rain or shine
It’s all the same
Junkie doll, I was stuck on you
My junkie doll

A little bit of this would get you up
A little bit of that would get you down
A little bit of this would get you up
A little bit of that would get you down
And a little bit of this would get you up
A little bit of that would get you down
A little bit of this would get you up
A little bit of that would get you down</p>

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