Just a touch


È contenuto nei seguenti album:

Testo Della Canzone

Just a touch di Rem

Well what in the world? Women in black
Don’t you remember send us back
A day in the life well nobody laughed
Look to the days how long can this last Kevin heard it on the radio
Hugh informed word of mouth
Carla read it in the news
Caught it all just a touch You set the pace of what was to come
I have to carry on now that you’re gone
A day in the life well nobody laughed
Look to the days how long can this last There’s someone in our dreams
In our preassembled dream
Lord! Dave! William! Well what in the world? Women in black
Don’t you remember send towering past back
A day in the life well nobody laughed
Look to the days how long can this lastI can’t see where to worship Popeye, love Al Green,
I can’t see, I’m so young, I’m so god damn young

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