Kiddie grinder remix


È contenuto nei seguenti album:

Testo Della Canzone

Kiddie grinder remix di Marilyn Manson

I am the face of piss and shit and sugar
I do a crooked little dance with my funny little monkey
What I want, what I want is just your children
I hate what I have become to escape what I hated being
Caliopenis envy from your daddy
You’re not gonna hear what he don’t want to hear
What I say disgusts himHe wants to be me and that scares him
Lets do a funny little dance with my funny little monkey
The black keys
Here is my real head, here is my real head
I wear this fucking mask because you cannot handle me
Here is my real head
They try to blink me not to think me
Don’t want to bring me out
I am the rotten teeth, my fists are lined with suckers
My prison skin’s an eyesore mirror sketch pad
I am your son
Your dad
Your fag
Your fad
Here is my real head, here is my real head
I wear this fucking mask because you cannot handle me
Here is my real head

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