Locked Up Lovers – Chris Crocker Testo della canzone

Il Testo della canzone di:
Locked Up Lovers – Chris Crocker

Hey love, you know you got me locked up
And in more ways than one
Cause I'm in jail every time I exhale
The way you hold that gun

Hearts hearts beating fast I can't move and I can't pass
Your little criminal mind
Hearts hearts beating fast got me trapped inside the past
Feels like I'm paralyzed no

I gave away the one real key to my heart
But you lied and tore me apart
I'm changing all the locks I swear tonight
You can keep the keys for your other
Locked up lovers
Locked up lovers

You're like a cop locking up the whole time
The way you mess around
You've got the keys
But you can not control me
I'm finding my way out

Hearts hearts beating fast I can't move and I can't pass
Your little criminal mind
Hearts hearts beating fast got me trapped inside the past
Feels like I'm paralyzed no

I gave away the one real key to my heart
But you lied and tore me apart
I'm changing all the locks I swear tonight
You can keep the keys for your other
Locked up lovers
Locked up lovers
Locked up lovers

Hearts hearts beating fast I can't move and I can't pass
Your little criminal mind
Hearts hearts beating fast got me trapped inside the past
Feels like I'm paralyzed no

I gave away the one real key to my heart
But you lied and tore me apart
I'm changing all the locks I swear tonight
You can keep the keys for your other
Locked up lovers
Locked up lovers
Locked up lovers

Ecco una serie di risorse utili per Chris Crocker in costante aggiornamento

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