Losing you


È contenuto nei seguenti album:

Testo Della Canzone

Losing you di Eiffel 65

And so I’m tired.
I just can’t get over losing you.
And so I can’t get over losing you.
I just can’t get,
Can’t get over losing you.
Can’t get,
I just Can’t get over losing you.
And I just
And I don’t care!
What I’m missing is you,
Can’t get over losing you,And so I’m tired.
I just can’t get over losing you.
And so I can’t get over losing you.
I just can’t get,
Can’t get over losing you.
Can’t get,
I just Can’t get over losing you.
And I Just
Can’t get over losing you,
And so I’m tired.
I just can’t get over losing you.
And so I can’t get over losing you.
I just can’t get,
Can’t get over losing you.
Can’t get,
I just Can’t get over losing you.
And I Just
Can’t get .I lost the count now of how many letters,
I’ve wrote from here.
And I lost the count now of how many days,
I’ve been away from home.
I remember the time that you asked me,
What was right or wrong
And I don’t care,
What I’m missing is you.
Can’t get .I lost the count now of how many letters,
I’ve wrote from here.
And I lost the count now of how many days,
I’ve been away from home.
I remember the time that you asked me,
What was right or wrong
And I don’t care,
What I’m missing is you.

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