Love – Chaos Chaos Testo della canzone

Il Testo della canzone di:
Love – Chaos Chaos

Love is a thing that you need when you lose
And you lose what you need
Searching around, there's no one's around
Love is a place and if we ever get there
It's a straight away
But I'm gonna find you, baby
There's nowhere to hide, baby
But love is a thing that you have to find inside yourself
You're gonna find it, baby

And maybe I'm crazy
And maybe I'm crazy
Crazy, crazy

Love is a thing that you hate the most when you lost it all
When everyone's gone, no one around
You messed it all up and you wept
'Cause it crept into your heart
It takes it down, baby
Love brings you up, baby
You take in it all and think too much to stay with me
The end of the world isn't far enough to hide

And maybe I'm crazy
And maybe I'm crazy
Crazy, crazy

And maybe I'm crazy
And maybe I'm crazy
Crazy, crazy

And maybe I'm crazy
It's all up to you
To make you love me, love me, love me

Am I crazy?
It's all up to you
To make you love me, love me...

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