Love aint here anymore


È contenuto nei seguenti album:

Testo Della Canzone

Love aint here anymore di Take That

Baby don’t you want me to go
So honey, why don’t you beg me to stay
For love, and talk the way we used to talk
Till we both know what we’ve lost
Never say the words we did before
When it was over

Love ain’t here anymore
Love ain’t here anymore
It’s gone away, to a town called yesterday
Love ain’t here anymore

Listen, oh listen, I don’t wanna let go
So maybe we can change the way we feel
For love, and open up the way we did before
Now is the right time
And I’m sure you’d never say the words you did
Until you knew it was over

Love ain’t here anymore
Love ain’t here anymore
It’s gone away, to a town called yesterday
Love ain’t here anymore

And when I find a place for me to keep my sweet love
Then I will leave it there forever more, yeah
And when I find someone to share I’ll never give up
I will hold you and believe that this life leads to more

Love ain’t here anymore
Love ain’t here anymore
It’s gone away, to a town called yesterday
Love ain’t here anymore

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