

È contenuto nei seguenti album:

Testo Della Canzone

Lucille di Beatles

Brian Matthew: “The Beatles with Paul McCartney, paying tribute to the Everleys with ‘Lucille’. ” Ah, Lucille, baby do your sister’s will Ah, Lucille, baby do your sister’s will Well, you ran off and married, but I love you still Ah, Lucille, baby, satisfy my soul Ah, Lucille, baby, satisfy my soul Well, you know I love you, baby, I’ll never let you go Well, I woke up this morning Lucille was not in sight I asked my friends about it But all their lips were tight Lucille, please come back where you belong Well I’m talking to you, baby, I’ll never do you wrong Well, Lucille, baby, do your sister’s will Ooh, Lucille, yeah baby, do your sister’s will Well, you ran off and married, but I love you still

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