Maybe Love Will Save The Day – Charley Pride Testo della canzone

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Maybe Love Will Save The Day – Charley Pride

Let's count all your reasons for leavin'
And add up all the reason's to stay
Maybe we'll find something to believe in
When a memory drifts back to the good ol' day

Let's take some time to remember
Before we just toss our love away
Let's spend one more night together
And maybe love will save the day

Tomorrow we can talk about forever
Maybe then we'll see things in a different light
Heart to heart let's sleep on it together
All we've got to lose is one more night

Let's take some time to remember
Before we just toss our love away
Let's spend one more night together
And maybe love will save the day

Let's spend one more night together
And maybe love will save the day

Ecco una serie di risorse utili per Charley Pride in costante aggiornamento

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