Mrs. cold


È contenuto nei seguenti album:

Testo Della Canzone

Mrs. cold di King of Convenience

Hey baby, Mrs. Cold
Acting so tough,
didn’t know you had it in you so be hurt at all
You waited too long
You should’ve hook me,
before I put my raincoat on

Oh can I get it
Oh can I see
You were fronting because
You knew you’d find yourself vulnerable around me
Oh can I get it
Oh can I see
You feel vulnerable around me

Hey, baby
what’s going on?
You lost control and you lost your tongue
You lost me
Deaf in my ear
Nothing you can say is gonna change the way I feel

Oh can I get it
Oh can I see
You were fronting because
You knew you find yourself vulnerable around me

Oh can I get it
Oh can I see
I step too close to your boundaries

You wanted nobody around to see
You feel vulnerable around me

Hey baby
What is love?
It was just a game
We’re both playing and we can’t get enough of
We’re both playing and we can’t get enough of
We’re both playing and we can’t get enough of

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