Night Train – CLMD Testo della canzone

Il Testo della canzone di:
Night Train – CLMD

Taking the night train
The lights are pretty in the dark
No time for sleeping
You've been observing from the start

Behaving differently
It's like you gained another face
In another place, in another pace

We are on our way
Turn from night and day
Let us fall astray
We're not running late
We take the night train
We take the night train

Enter the street like
I have no clue which way to go
Follow the natives
French people in the french flow

Behaving differently
It's like you gained another face
In another place, in another pace

We are on our way
Turn from night and day
Let us fall astray
We're not running late
We take the night train
We take the night train
We take the night train
We take the night train

Taking the night train
The lights are pretty in the dark
No time for sleeping

Ecco una serie di risorse utili per CLMD in costante aggiornamento

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