Nikki – Bacharach


È contenuto nei seguenti album:

Testo Della Canzone

Nikki – Bacharach di Bacharach

Somewhere there is sunshine
Somewhere days are warm
Somewhere there’s a happy harbor
Far from the storm
Out where the sun shines there is someone
I’m meant to adore
And I know the day I find her
I’ll smile once more

Nikki, it’s you
Nikki, where can you be
It’s you, no one but you for me
I’ve been so lonely since you went away
I won’t spend a happy day
Till you’re back in my arms

For every dream there is a dreamer
And when dreams are gone
For each wish
Another star shines to wish up on
Take all my dreams and all my wishes
Hold them in your heart
Tell me soon we’ll be together
Never to part

Nikki, it’s you
Nikki, where can you be
It’s you, no one but you for me
I’ve been so lonely since you went away
I won’t spend a happy day
Till you’re back in my arms

Don’t make me wait here in the shadows
Till my life is done
I can’t live without the sunshine
You are the sun

Oh Nikki, it’s you

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