No Return Chrissie Hynde Feat The Valve Bone Woe Ensemble – Testo della canzone

Il Testo della canzone di:
No Return – Chrissie Hynde Feat The Valve Bone Woe Ensemble

If, if I could see
Just how lonely my life would be
If you passed me by and said farewell
And there is no return

Stars would shine no more
I would walk up and down this lonely room
I would have friends, but be alone
For there is no return

For you were my first love
And now it looks like you've gone
And I have waited too long

For if I could see
Just how lonely my life would be
If you passed me by and said farewell
And there is no return
There is no return
There is no return
There is no return
[repeat till end]

Ecco una serie di risorse utili per Chrissie Hynde e The Valve Bone Woe Ensemble in costante aggiornamento

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