Pink Time – Tom Cochrane Testo della canzone

Il Testo della canzone di:
Pink Time – Tom Cochrane

Don't shoot me, I'm the messenger
Driving that ten ton to get my cargo in
Lay your weapons on the floor, darlin'
Do you remember what we're fighting for?

When the pink time comes, I'll be right there
Down by the bay, where the jack pines sway
You'll be by my side, and remember me
When the sun lays down and we'll call it a day

And I drive long haul, all week long
One day I got home but you were all but gone
I won't let you go even though you don't know me
But what became of us, you're gone endlessly

When the pink time comes, I'll be right there
Right there by your side, down by the bay
And we'll dance real slow, while the jack pines sway
When the sun lays down, and we'll go below

You can go anywhere, anywhere from here
Go to the lighthouse, honey, and just turn west from there
You can go anywhere, anywhere from here
Go to the lighthouse honey, and you can meet me there

When the pink time comes, I'll be right there
Right there by your side, down by the bay
And we'll dance real slow, while the jack pines sway
When the sun lays down, and we'll go below

Ecco una serie di risorse utili per Tom Cochrane in costante aggiornamento

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