Place For The Lonesome – Charley Pride Testo della canzone

Il Testo della canzone di:
Place For The Lonesome – Charley Pride

There's a place just down the street for the lonesome
Where the sad and broken hearts come in
To pay a little Gypsy woman a dollar she'll tell me how to start a new life again
Goin' down to that place for the lonesome
Have my future read from the palm of my hand
Please tell me good news Gypsy woman that my sweet love's a comin' home again
God only knows of my big trouble I thought I had a true love a love that'll never end
Heaven only knows how much I miss her Gypsy woman say she's comin' home again

When she left last night in walked sorrow with the pain so great I can hardly stand
Maybe there will be a brighter tomorrow Gypsy woman will she be home again
God only knows...
Gypsy woman will she be home again

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