Poison – CocoRosie Testo della canzone

Il Testo della canzone di:
Poison – CocoRosie

Voodoo spell
Ocean morgue
Like a whale
Swallows you whole

Merciless dictator
She sleighs the necks of giraffes
Merciless dictator
She sleeps on pillows made of zebra skin
Oh, squakin', talkin' blasted pigeon
Parrot Portuguese
Black icky tongue
And the purple clouds,
Dry, like painted
Desert flowers

Poison, her tears are poison
Her tears are poison
Her tears are
Poison, her tears are poison
Her tears are poison
Her tears are

Dry, like painted
Desert flowers

Poison, her tears are poison
Her tears are poison
Her tears are
Poison, her tears are poison
Her tears are poison
Her tears are

Watch out for the snakes
(Poison, her tears are poison)
Watch out for the velvet cross
(Her tears are poison)
Watch out for the panthers
(Her tears are)
Leaping from her spit, oh

Poison, her tears are poison
Her tears are poison
Her tears are
Poison, her tears are poison
Her tears are poison
Her tears are
Poison, her tears are poison
Her tears are poison

Ecco una serie di risorse utili per CocoRosie in costante aggiornamento

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