Red Roses For A Blue Lady – Andy Williams Testo della canzone

Il Testo della canzone di:
Red Roses For A Blue Lady – Andy Williams

Red roses for a blue lady
Mister florist take my order please
We had a silly quarrel the other day
I hope these pretty flowers chase her blues away

Red roses for a blue lady
Send them to the sweetest gal in town
And if they do the trick, I'll hurry back to pick
Your best white orchid for her wedding gown

(Red roses for a blue lady)

We had a silly quarrel the other day
I hope these pretty flowers chase her blues away

Red roses for a blue, blue lady
Send them to the sweetest gal in town
And if they do the trick, I'll hurry back to pick
Your best white orchid for her wedding gown

Your best white orchid for her wedding gown

Ecco una serie di risorse utili per Andy Williams in costante aggiornamento

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