She’s As Close As I Can Get To Loving You – Charley Pride Testo della canzone

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She's As Close As I Can Get To Loving You – Charley Pride

Her hair should be a little darker and her eyes should be a deeper blue
She's not perfect but I'm happy I found her
Cause she's as close as I can get to loving you
She doesn't know she's being used and it would break her heart in two
If she knew that she was playing the part I planned for you
I should be ashamed to love her the way that I do
But she's as close as I can get to loving you

You'd've prove of the way that she dresses
From her ear-rings to the style of her shoes
I conquer everything that I remember and she's as close as I can get to loving you
She doesn't know she's being used...
But she's as close as I can get to loving you

Ecco una serie di risorse utili per Charley Pride in costante aggiornamento

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