She’s Crazy And She Doesn’t Care – Cloud Control Testo della canzone

Il Testo della canzone di:
She's Crazy And She Doesn't Care – Cloud Control

Some are born different
Some of us are equal
Some of us take
Make a living from the people
We're not like that
Never even thought about
We're not likely to
Make a profit anyway

Will we ever catch up
Will we talk
Will we speak again
Now you're working for the man
Change sides and you're one of them
We're not like that
Never even thought about
We're not likely to
Make a profit anyway

The only one you love is crazy and she doesn't care
Don't stop runnin till you work it out, yeah
The only one you love is crazy and she doesn't care
Don't stop runnin till you work it out, yeah
The only one you love is crazy and she doesn't care

Some are born different
Some of us are equal
Some of us take
Make a living from the people
We're not like that
Never even thought about
We're not likely to
Make a profit anyway

Don't stop runnin till you work it out, yeah
The only one you love is crazy and she doesn't care
Don't stop runnin till you work it out, yeah
The only one you love is crazy and she doesn't care

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