

È contenuto nei seguenti album:

Testo Della Canzone

Shouldve-listened di Nickelback

There’s clothes all over the floor
I don’t remember them being here before
Smell of perfume isn’t here, why’s lipstick on the mirror?
And still I don’t understand

No pictures left in the hall, there’s three new holes in my wall
Where the hells my credit cards, why’s my wallet in the yard
And still I don’t understand

Well now I guess I should’ve listened
When you said you’d had enough
A little trick I picked up from my father
In one ear and out the other, whys love gotta be so tough?

Should see the look on my face, my shit’s all over the place
Why’s this happening to me, why’d you take both sets of keys?
And still I don’t understand

Well now I guess I should’ve listened
When you said you’d had enough
A little trick I picked up from my father
In one ear and out the other, Whys love gotta be so tough?
Well now I guess I should’ve listened

There’s clothes all over my floor
I don’t remember them being here before
There are no candles in here, lipstick still on my mirror?
And still I don’t understand

Now I guess I should’ve listened
When you said you’d had enough
A little trick I picked up from my father
In one ear and out the other, why must life be so tough?

Well now I guess I should’ve listened
When you said you’d had enough
A little trick I picked up from my father
In one ear and out the other, whys love gotta be so tough

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