

È contenuto nei seguenti album:
2005 Available for propaganda

Testo Della Canzone

Sleepless di Linea 77

Someone, someone
please explain to me, where’s your head at?
I can’ t, i can ‘t
understand why no one can deny you, can i?
Conquer me! Conquer me!
Keep controlling me
and save your world of a thousand deaths!
God bless you all!
Why? Now tell me why?
Now tell me something more
cuz i can’ t sleep, cuz i cannot sleep!
People riot in my world!
Listen, listen
what’ s your soul trying to say to you!
It’ s not all right! It’ s not ok!
Just another system failure!
“dead man walking” someone screams on air…
watch your future now
and save your world!
Not in my name,
god is not around!
Why? Now tell me why?
Now tell me something more
cuz i can’ t sleep, cuz i cannot sleep!
People riot in my world!
Are you looking for the absolution?

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