

È contenuto nei seguenti album:
1998 The complete reprise studio recordings -disk 13

Testo Della Canzone

Star! di Frank Sinatra

If the lady’s naughty but proper
If the lady’s chic-er than chic
If her escorts must wear a topper
And each man’s the man of the week
If she rides around in a brand new foreign car
The chances are the lady’s a star

If the lady’s utterly charming
If the lady’s chummy with kings
If her whims are close to alarming
And it’s known she’s thrown a few things
If they’ve got a drink with her name in Jilly’s bar
The chances are the lady’s a star

If her smallest party is really expensive with tons of expensive caviar
If the lady is someone with the same credentials
Someone with the same essentials
Someone who is worshipped from afar
She’s a genuine, positive, totally, marvelous, perfectly, wonderful
She’s a great big, great big star!

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