Stop The Fucking Car – “autore” Testo della canzone

Il Testo della canzone di:
Stop The Fucking Car –

Don't be alarmed, I feel we're falling back to ground.
Don't be afraid, I hear in every word they say,
That even if you don't look back, be sure and find out who was there,
And what they wore, and ten more reasons.
Don't be alarmed, I feel we're falling back to ground

Your face is light and cocaine white.
Your face is light and cocaine white.

Misleading at most, I'm supposed to imposter a new you (imposter a new you).
And even if you're woken up, make contact both at once.
We've made mistakes like this.
And I'm just learning.
And I'm just learning.
Your face is white in spinning lights.

Spinning lights, don't be scared.
You have given so much more
Spinning lights, take me there.
He has risen, pull me under.

Don't stop talking to me, I haven't been listening.
Don't stop talking to me, I haven't been listening.
This operation's been abandoned once again.
This operation's been abandoned once again.

Cut me gently, cut me out of mind.
Cut me gently, cut me out...
Cut me gently, cut me out of mind.
Cut me gently, cut me out of mind.

Spinning lights, don't be scared.
You have given so much more
Spinning lights, take me there.
He has risen, pull me under.

Don't stop talking to me, I haven't been listening.
Don't stop talking to me, I haven't been listening.
This operation's been abandoned once again.
This operation's been abandoned once again.

Cut me gently, cut me out...
Cut me gently, cut me out of mind.

Ecco una serie di risorse utili per in costante aggiornamento

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