Target audience narcissus narcosis


È contenuto nei seguenti album:

Testo Della Canzone

Target audience narcissus narcosis di Marilyn Manson

Am I’m sorry the sky went black
Put your knives in baby’s backs
Am I sorry you killed the Kenneydys
And Huxley too
But I sorry Shakespeare was your scapegoat
And your apple sticking into my throat
Sorry you son just smiles rusty nails
And your cruci-fiction commercials failed
But I’m just a pitiful, anonymous

I see all the young believers
Your target audience
I see all the old deceivers
We all just sing this song

Am I sorry to just be alive
Put my face in the bee hive
Am I sorry for Booth and Oswald
Kings(?) and cocaine too
Sorry I never check the bag in my head for a bomb
And my halo was a needle hole
Sorry I saw a priest being beaten
And I made a wish
But I’m just a pitiful, anonymous

I see all the young believers
Your target audience
I see all the old deceivers
We all just sing this song
I see all the young believers
Your target audience
I see all the old deceivers
We all just sing this song
We all just sing this song
We all just sing this song

Valley of death, we are free
Your fathers your prison(?) you see
Valley of death, we are free
Your fathers your prison(?) you see

I see all the young believers
Your target audience
I see all the old deceivers
We all just sing this song

You’re just a copy of an imitation
You’re just a copy of an imitation

The president is dead, let us pray

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