That’s Why We Call Each Other Baby – Ashley Monroe Testo della canzone

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That's Why We Call Each Other Baby – Ashley Monroe

You've been out with the boys
Don't you think it's time to put your toys away
You make me laugh the way you pout
When I tell you that you can't stay out to play now
Go ahead stick out your lip
I can pitch a bigger fit

That's why we call each other baby
The way we carry on sometimes
Up all night driving each other crazy
Why don't we sing a lullaby

When you don't get what you want
You go a crying on the telephone to mama
You call me names slam a door
Make me a pallet on the bedroom floor for drama
Acting like a little child
If it wouldn't make you make that smile

[Repeat Chorus]

Hold your breath
Stick out your lip
Honey to trip on it

[Repeat Chorus]

Why don't we sing a lullaby

Ecco una serie di risorse utili per Ashley Monroe in costante aggiornamento

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