The Golden State – “autore” Testo della canzone

Il Testo della canzone di:
The Golden State –

Why's everyone still singing about California?
Haven't we heard enough about the Golden State?
I guess if you like sandy beaches and blue ocean water
There's just something about it, to which I cannot relate
I need to see the leaves change and the snowflakes falling
I need to hear the colder wind whistling through the winter pines

Why's everyone still singing about California?
Haven't we heard enough about the Golden State?
People still follow their dreams to sweet California
And from time to time I'll pass on by, but I will never stay

Sure there are beautiful people, in the city of lost angels
They're living like they're kings and queens, from some royal age
But fortune and fame won't save you, when California
Is wiped out by the ring of fire or a great earthquake

Why's everyone still singing about California?
Haven't we heard enough about the Golden State?
People still follow their dreams to sweet California
And from time to time I'll pass on by, but I will never stay
No, I will never stay

Never stay
Never stay

Ecco una serie di risorse utili per in costante aggiornamento

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