The Hucklebuck – “autore” Testo della canzone

Il Testo della canzone di:
The Hucklebuck –

Ah here's a dance you should know
Ah baby when the lights are down low
I say grab your baby then go

If you don't know how to do it man you're out of luck
Push ya baby out then you hunch her back
Start a little movement in your sacrolliac
Wiggle like a stick wobble like a duck
That's what you do when you do the Hucklebuck

Oh - Workout

Ah here's a dance you should know
Ah baby when the lights are down low
Ah won't ya grab ya baby then go
A little bit of Twist a little bit of this
And if you don't know how to do it ask my little sis
Push your partner out then you hunch her back
Start a little movement in your sacrolliac
Wiggle like a stick wobble like a duck
That's what you do when you do the Hucklebuck

Oh - Move

A little bit of Twist a little bit of this
And if you don't know how to do it ask my little sis
Push your partner out then you hunch her back
Start a little movement in your sacrolliac
Wiggle like a stick wobble like a duck
That's what you do when you do the Hucklebuck

Here's a dance you should know
ya ya ya ya when when the lights are down...

Ecco una serie di risorse utili per in costante aggiornamento

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