The Love Of A Man – “autore” Testo della canzone

Il Testo della canzone di:
The Love Of A Man –

I didn't want to hurt myself
I didn't want to hurt anyone else
I just wanted the love of a man
And that's where my trouble began

I didn't want to be in pain
I didn't want to throw it away
I didn't want to feel so insane
I didn't want things to end up this way

I just wanted him to hold my hand
I just wanted to be in his plans
I just wanted him to understand
I just wanted the love of a man
I just wanted the love of a man

I didn't think it all through
I just wanted to feel close to you
I was so numb to the core
I just wanted to open the door

I didn't mean to give so much away
I didn't want to feel this shame
I didn't want to be in this place
I didn't want things to end up this way

I just wanted him to hold my hand
I just wanted to be in his plans
I just wanted him to understand
I just wanted the love of a man

I just wanted to feel something
I didn't want it to burn or sting
I thought I could drink from this cup
But the poison is tearing me up
It's tearing me up

I just wanted him to hold my hand
I just wanted to be in his plans
I just wanted him to understand
I just wanted the love of a man

I didn't want to hate myself
I didn't want to hate anyone else
I didn't want to throw so much away
I just wanted the love of a man
I just wanted the love of a man

Ecco una serie di risorse utili per in costante aggiornamento

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