The red


È contenuto nei seguenti album:

Testo Della Canzone

The red di Chevelle

They say freak,
When you’re singled out,
The red, well it filters through.

So lay down, the threat is real,
When his sight goes red again.
Seeing red again,
Seeing red again.

This change, he won’t contain,
Slip away, to clear your mind.
When asked, who made it show,
The truth, he gives in to most.

So lay down, the threat is real,
When his sight goes red again.

So lay down, the threat is real,
When his sight goes red again.
So lay down, the threat is real,
When his sight goes red again.

Seeing red again,
Seeing red again,
Seeing red again,
Seeing red again,
Seeing red again,
Seeing red again,
Seeing red again,
Seeing red….

The say freak…
When you’re singled out.
The red, it filters through…</p>

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