They said that hells not hot


È contenuto nei seguenti album:

Testo Della Canzone

They said that hells not hot di Marilyn Manson

I kill Myself in small amounts
in each Relationship It’s not
about Love
Just another Funeral and
just another girl left in Tears

And I’m waiting
with the sound turned off
I’m waiting
Like a glass balloon
and I’m Fading
into the Void and then

I’m gone, I’m gone, I’m gone…
They Said that Hell’s not Hot
They Said that Hell’s not Hot

I gave my Soul to someone else
she must have known that
It was already sold
It was never about her,
It was about the Hurt
I’m waiting
Like a glass balloon
and I’m Fading
into the Void and then

I’m gone, I’m gone, I’m gone…
They Said that Hell’s not Hot
They Said that Hell’s not Hot

I kill Myself in small amounts
in each Relationship It’s not
about Love
Just another Funeral and
just another girl left in Tears

And I’m waiting
with the sound turned off
I’m waiting
Like a glass balloon
and I’m Fading
into the Void and then

I’m gone, I’m gone, I’m gone…
They Said that Hell’s not Hot
They Said that Hell’s not Hot

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