This weekend


È contenuto nei seguenti album:

Testo Della Canzone

This weekend di Mxpx

This weekend, we’ll have a ball,
We’ll hit the town and see it all,
So let’s go out on Friday night,
We’ll go see a show, or get in a fight.

So hold on tightly to me,
We’re going for a ride,
In the sound (In the sound) of the stereo,
Let the rhythm (Let the rhythm),
Let it take control of you,
‘Cause you ain’t got nothing to lose.

It’s nice enough for the drive-in,
Watching movies with my friends,
Or times are good, and times are bad,
But these are the best times that I’ve ever had.

So hold on tightly to me,
We’re going for a ride,
In the sound (In the sound) of the stereo,
Let the rhythm (Let the rhythm),
Let it take control of you,
Don’t say this isn’t happening,
‘Cause you ain’t got nothing to lose.

One of these days I’ll be out of your way,
And you can rest your head…
One of these days I’ll be out of your way,
and leave my weds unsaid.

Don’t let, Don’t let, Don’t let go ,
Of the sound (of the sound),
Coming out your stereo,
Let the rhythm (Let the rhythm)
Let it take control of you,
Don’t say this isn’t happening,
‘Cause this is your weekend,
‘Cause you ain’t got nothing to lose.

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