Thorns Of Life – Charley Pride Testo della canzone

Il Testo della canzone di:
Thorns Of Life – Charley Pride

I wear her love and wedding ring for all the world to see
Cause I want ev'ryone to know that she belongs to me
Ev'rytime I look at her I smile because I know
I reached through all the thorns of life to pick the fairest rose

She stood by me through hungry years and never once complain
When all the world came down on me she picked me up again
I never let a day go by that I don't let her know
I reached through all the thorns of life to pick the fairest rose

The Lord knows I love her she's ev'rything that's good
And I'm so proud to be the one she gives her lovin' to
Some time I just send her just one rose cause I want her to know
I reached through all the thorns of life to pick the fairest rose
I reached through all the thorns of life to pick the fairest rose

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