Tonight – Coasts Testo della canzone

Il Testo della canzone di:
Tonight – Coasts

So what will become of me?
Now I've had this epiphany
We'll break down the walls
To find a place where we both can be safe

Safe from the pressures of modern life
Where's our adventure?
Could this be it for us again?

'Cause tonight we are together
You bring me to life
And my world starts to blur

Now show me how much you need to grow
My blood isn't cold anymore
What else will you say?

And show the palms of your hands before you pray
Grow out the thought of
Days and hours spent on your own

'Cause tonight we are together
You bring me to life
And my world starts to blur

'Cause tonight we are together
And my world starts to blur

I know you'll be here
I know you'll be here
I know you'll be here
I know you'll be here

'Cause tonight we are together
You bring me to life
And my world starts to blur

Tonight we are together
You bring me to life
And my world starts to blur

'Cause tonight
You bring me to life
And my world starts to blur

Ecco una serie di risorse utili per Coasts in costante aggiornamento

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