Tourniquet (Cynthia Ann) – Chrissie Hynde Testo della canzone

Il Testo della canzone di:
Tourniquet (Cynthia Ann) – Chrissie Hynde

Spin me a yarn and draw me inside
If you make me believe, I will come to you
Tell me a lie and string me along
Put your hands on my eyes and hold tight when you

Pin me down, oh so tight
By my phantom wrists
Tourniquet, stop the bleeding
The arms that held him, now they're gone

Promise me hope and help me to cope
In this town of nine gates in its final throes
Bring me supplies of blankets and hides
Put me into old newspaper clothes

Turn me out to the field and untie me
Tourniquet, stop the bleeding
The arms that held him, now they're gone

Now they're gone

Ecco una serie di risorse utili per Chrissie Hynde in costante aggiornamento

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