Track 99


È contenuto nei seguenti album:

Testo Della Canzone

Track 99 di Marilyn Manson

Electronic voice: “go ahead and date a dead messiah, we can dig another grave”

Listen there is something that saved my name
if you arent hearing this there is nothing I can do
somthing was grown in my chest
and I’ve suffered and I’ve survived
I followed
its been dormant for many years
I’m only trying to save you
but I cannot come to save you
but this is what you deserve
this is what we deserve
this is something your Lord got upon the cross
we did not offend none who were not offended
you are not a victim
and you are not an offender
we all have cut off our names
but I know a flaw in my name
these are the dying years
these are the dying years
when you are suffering
know that I have betrayed you

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