Way to fall


È contenuto nei seguenti album:

Testo Della Canzone

Way to fall di Starsailor

Son, you’ve got a way to fall
They’ll tell you where to go
But they won’t know

Son, you’d better take it all
They’ll tell you what they know
But they won’t show

Oh, I’ve got something in my throat
I need to be alone
While I suffer

Son, you’ve got a way to kill
They’re picking on you still
But they don’t know

Son, you’d better wait to shine
They’ll tell you what is yours
But they take mine

Oh, I’ve got something in my throat
I need to be alone
While I suffer

Oh, there’s a hole inside my boat
I need stay afloat
For the summer long


Oh, I’ve got something in my throat
I need to be alone
While I suffer

Oh, there’s a hole inside my boat
And I need stay afloat
For the summer

Son, you’ve got to wait to fall
They’ll tell you where to go
But they won’t know

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