We can no longer cheat you


È contenuto nei seguenti album:

Testo Della Canzone

We can no longer cheat you di The Cribs

I lost my heart to a dancer
An easy pick up for chancers
What she saw in me, I don’t know
When she said she’d been behaving
I found it hard to stop myself from laughing
I think I’ll head off, in fact
You’d better dig me in deep guys
I won’t be coming back
What’s that you said, my love?
Yes, I know what you’ve been through
And that’s why I can’t stay
We can no longer cheat you

I lost my heart to a dancer
An easy pick up for chancers
What she saw in me, I don’t know
She became depressed, that’s down to boredom
She should have said
I could have scored some things to pass the time
Or took her out
Yeah, turning in at eight
What’s that about

What’s that you said, my love?
Yes, I know what you’ve been through
And that’s why I can’t stay
We can no longer cheat on you</p>

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