Well enough alone


È contenuto nei seguenti album:

Testo Della Canzone

Well enough alone di Chevelle

Walk down the realm
hint to no one that this
generic bond exists
evil shows another side

And like before, makes no sense
never coming
always leaving right before
hooked on substance
dig in deeper
can’t reveal

Why we leave
well enough alone
never thought about the shame

So fed up
what’s with the scenes?
Observe and leave instead
this pity wagon
penetrates my skin
so sensitive, makes me sick

And like before, makes no sense
never coming
always leaving right before
hooked on substance
dig in deeper
can’t reveal

Why we leave
well enough alone
never thought about the shame

The old and the aged
pulled and never knew what hit
the old and the aged
pulled and never knew what hit

And like before, makes no sense
never coming
always leaving right before
hooked on substance
dig in deeper
can’t reveal

Why we leave
well enough alone
never thought about the shame
why we leave
well enough alone
never thought about the shame</p>

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