What’re We Doing This Again – Charley Pride Testo della canzone

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What're We Doing This Again – Charley Pride

Well I know I said I would
But I drop by everyday I do
See I've come to see the children
When I know they're still in school

You said hi you shouldn't be here
But you might as well come in
Since one thing leads to another
And here we go again

If I don't want you and you don't want me
If that old part ain't what it used to be
If it's all over between us then
What're we doing doing this again

So I hold you in the shadows in the lazy afternoon
And we lie so close together just the way we used to do
So we say hi this is the last time we just got to let it in
But I know in the day I do girl you'll be in my arms again

If I don't want you and you don't want me
If that old part ain't what it used to be
If it's all over between us then
What're we doing doing this again
What're we doing doing this again

Ecco una serie di risorse utili per Charley Pride in costante aggiornamento

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