When I Stop Leaving (I’ll Be Gone) – Charley Pride Testo della canzone

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When I Stop Leaving (I'll Be Gone) – Charley Pride

How do some folks stay in love like a honeymoon couples that can't get enough
How can love be tender yet so tough as it grows
I've left you and I've come back so many times I can't keep track
What is it one of us lacks do you know
When I stop leaving I'll be gone when I stop leaving you I'll be gone
Love's not gettin' any clearer sometimes I think it's all done with mirrors
When I stop leaving I'll be gone

I need you and you need me still we pay for love love that's free
Should we hang together or independently and let it go
I come back each time I leave we make love then we shout and scream
Bottom line time what does it mean oh do you know
When I stop leaving...
When I stop leaving I'll be gone when I stop leaving you I'll be gone

Ecco una serie di risorse utili per Charley Pride in costante aggiornamento

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