where am i going? – wilted petals Testo della canzone

Il Testo della canzone di:
where am i going? – wilted petals

Passing out and sleeping in
All these dreams I creep within
I'm watching sunlight
Turn to moonlight in my room

It is nothing but the truth
These words that I speak to you
They are so cold inside my mouth
They feel like ice

I don't know
Who I am
What's my name
Where's my house

I don't know
Who I am
What's my name
Where's my house

I don't know
Who I am
What's my name
Where's my house

I don't know
Who I am
Where the fuck
Am I going?
Waking up, 2 pm
All these sweat beads on my chin
Don't remember any dreams
Nor do I ever

And I'm awake, that is for sure
But am I living? I don't ask no more
'Cause I died back in 2004
At just six years old

I don't know
Who I am
What's my name
Where's my house

I don't know
Who I am
What's my name
Where's my house

I don't know
Who I am
What's my name
Where's my house

I don't know
Who I am
Where the fuck
Am I going?

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