You Never Leave Me – Cloverton Testo della canzone

Il Testo della canzone di:
You Never Leave Me – Cloverton

Take me to the garden
A place where all began
A place that I have seen
There a heart was broken
Space and time were frozen
It sounds a lot like me
You never leave
You never leave me
You only lead me closer to You
Now we travel sideways
Through grace’s byways
To find where our roads meet
We’re the lost and lonely
The proud, the holy
And the space between
You never leave
You never leave me
You only lead me closer to You
And all that I need
All that I need is
Found perfectly when I’m here with You
And we collide a thousand ways
Your love’s a raging tide
And we collide like fireworks
When darkness meets the light

Ecco una serie di risorse utili per Cloverton in costante aggiornamento

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