Your revolution is a joke


È contenuto nei seguenti album:

Testo Della Canzone

Your revolution is a joke di Funeral for a friend

They stand to fight for nothing.
We show how stupid we’ve become.
As fortune favours only,
those who care too much to see.

Oh, it will never be okay,
as some will say.
We stand to fight for nothing,
so close your eyes and stay away.
Don’t believe their headlines
they poison our minds, everyday

Oh it will never be the same,
If purpose buried everyday.
The lies that lead you into the grave.
As some will say.

And you will never be okay,
as some will say.
If purpose buried everyday,
as some will say.
Lies that lead you to the grave,
as some will say.

your revolution is a joke,
as I will say..

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