

È contenuto nei seguenti album:

Testo Della Canzone

Youre-in-a-bubble di Geri Halliwell

Big mouth, big money, you bitch
You ain’t that funny got somethin’ to burn
and love to waste it’s social climb
To big bad taste rich bitch
Sugar daddies whizz kids city boys jet setting
go getting with grown up toys heart-breakin’
money making earth-quaking,
love faking where’s your heart
Did you sell that
Too paranoid star loved you talk rich
and that’s your cover
The more you get you chase
wipe that prada simle from
your rada face dressed up messed up
Green-eyed sycophant pushy mother lost
brother in real hot pants heart-breakin’
Money makin’ hot-headed fool
Get you own way, divide and rule

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